More new magazines.

Two more new magazines have landed here at the shop!


We were pleased to see a familiar yarn on the cover of the 2015 issue of Crochet Scene.


Soft, drapey Shibui Staccato is a perfect choice for a lightweight crochet garment like this one. Look to Crochet Scene for a variety of crocheted garments and accessories, from mitts and cowls to totes and crocheted jewelry.



The Fall 2015 issue of Interweave Knits is a good one, bursting with cozy sweaters that have us anxious for cool weather.



I spotted lots of friendly faces in this issue, like a pullover in Jamieson’s Shetland Spindrift, and another in Fibre Company’s newest yarn, yet to be released.


DSCN4799I was also pleased to see an article on Baa Ram Ewe and their revitalization of the Yorkshire textile industry. We were the first US stockist of their Titus yarn, and can hardly wait for the arrival of their new yarn later this season!


Come by the shop to pick up a few new magazines to feed your knit and crochet habit. See you there!

Back in stock: Jitterbug.

Colinette Jitterbug is a longtime favorite here at the shop, a bouncy superwash merino wool in a fingering weight.


We were so delighted yesterday to fill the somewhat empty Jitterbug cubby with an armful of new colors, some semi-solid, some wildly variegated.



Jitterbug is great for socks, but over the years, we’ve seen it put to many other uses, like blankets and baby things, sweaters and shawls. Check out the “Fingering weight” board on the HYS Pinterest page for pattern ideas.


Look for Jitterbug in the fingering weight section at the shop! See you there.

Fibre Company Yarn Tasting.

This morning we hosted a delightful Fibre Company yarn tasting. A roomful of knitters arrived with their bags full of needles, ready to sample all that the Fibre Company has to offer.


Everyone got their own little pouch of yarn samples, and a stitch sampler pattern with guidance on needle size and stitch count for each yarn.


In between sips of mimosas and bites of bagels, attendees knit swatches of all the Fibre Company yarns, sharing pattern ideas as they stitched. Though at the moment we stock just five of the eleven available Fibre Company yarns, we invited our yarn tasting participants to order anything and everything they liked.


Garments from the Knightsbridge Collection were passed around and admired, inspiring many new projects; I am so looking forward to seeing them emerge, stitch by stitch!


A yarn tasting is a special opportunity to try out yarn before deciding to buy it, see how it feels on your needles and in your hands. It’s always a fun, friendly event, and because of that, they tend to fill quickly. If you’d like a heads-up when the next one is scheduled, let us know!


Another new magazine has landed at the shop! Here’s a look inside the latest issue of Handwoven.



The September/October 2015 issue of Handwoven is dedicated to home decor, and features projects for a variety of looms.



Look to this issue for all manner of woven textiles for the home: towels and rugs, throws and pillows, tablecloths and more.

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Come by the shop to peruse the latest magazines and books for weavers, knitters, crocheters, and other fiber artists. See you there!


A new special issue from Interweave has found its way to the shop: take a peek inside Felted.


Felted covers all manner of felt crafts, from needle felting and wet felting to stitching with felt, whether found or created.


Some of these projects begin with yarn and knitting needles and are then wet-felted in the washing machine; others are constructed from woven Zoom Loom squares. Some begin with thrifted sweaters, mined for feltable knit fabric; others begin with ready-made felt fabric, or colorful wool roving. What they all have in common is felt, which is a sturdy compressed wool fabric full of possibilities.


Look for Felted on the teacart with the newest books and magazines. See you at the shop!

Knightsbridge Trunk Show!

We’re excited to be hosting a Fibre Company Trunk Show: the Knightsbridge Collection!


The Knightsbridge Collection features menswear-inspired designs from Kate Gagnon Osborne, Courtney Kelley, and the rest of the Kelbourne Woolens design team, along with independent designers, the likes of Bristol Ivy, Isabell Kraemer, Carrie Bostick Hoge, and more. This collection boasts a wide variety of garments, from hats, scarves, and legwarmers to vests, cardigans, pullovers, and one stunning shrug.



All of these pieces are knit in Fibre Company Knightsbridge, a light worsted weight blend of llama, merino, and silk that knits up comfortably between 5 and 5.5 stitches per inch.


Knightsbridge renders cables and other texture patterns surprisingly well for such a soft yarn; I’m really impressed with how it behaves in knitted fabric.


We’ve stocked up on Knightsbridge and all of these patterns in time for the Trunk Show; come by to look them over, try on a sweater or two, and perhaps find your next project.


We’ll have the Knightsbridge Trunk Show on display here at the shop until August 19th, 2015. Stop by soon to see it for yourself!

Shetland show and tell.

Here’s another bunch of show and tell! All of these projects started their lives as yarns here at the Hillsborough Yarn Shop, and all those yarns have something in common: they’re all composed of 100% Shetland wool, the somewhat prickly stuff that I love so much. It’s not merino-soft, but Shetland wool maintains its shape over time, even as it softens with washing and wearing. Let’s see how these Hillsborough Yarn Shoppers are using it.


Paula came in recently with her finished “Solo,” knit from a Hanne Falkenberg kit. Those of you who have tackled Falkenberg kits know what an accomplishment this is; Falkbenberg’s signature Shetland yarn is a fine gauge, all in garter stitch, which can feel tedious after a while. What’s more, her designs are cleverly, unconventionally constructed, and it’s important to have a good system for tracking row count, increases and decreases. Paula worked diligently on the knitting and the note-keeping, making her “Solo” a real success!


Paula had another bit of Shetland show and tell with her that day, a fair isle tam knit in Jamieson’s Shetland Spindrift.


The pattern is from Mary Rowe’s Knitting Tams, a collection of fair isle tams that Paula is finding somewhat addictive. She left the shop after this visit with the makings of at least two more tams, which I hope I can share with you here on the blog as they’re completed.


I recently finished a Shetland sweater, myself, which you wont be surprised to learn is from Kate Davies’ Yokes, a book I can’t stop talking about.


I knit this “Cockatoo Brae” cardigan in Jamieson’s Shetland Spindrift, which behaved perfectly in the colorwork and showed no inclination to unravel after I cut the steek.


My only modifications to the pattern were a change in colorway and in buttonband construction. I used Anna Zilboorg’s “perfect buttonhole” technique, from her Knitting for Anarchists and Splendid Apparel books, which was somewhat fiddly but entirely worthwhile. I practiced reinforcing and cutting the steek on my swatch, then picked up along the cut edge to work a few practice buttonholes, which helped me get the hang of it.



A few months ago, I wrote about our ever-expanding selection of colors in Shetland Spindrift, and how each new group of shades reminds me of a particular knitter and project they were special-ordered for. I was so delighted when Anne sent me this photo of one of those projects, now completed. Here’s Stan in his striped sweater, a self-designed recreation of a favorite, well-worn sweater. He dropped in the other day with process swatches for another Shetland project in the works… I can’t wait to see what he makes next.


A hearty thanks to all the fiber artists who start their projects here and share their work with us! We love to see our yarns grow up into finished garments, and are so inspired by the work you do. See you at the shop!

Summer show and tell.

Time for another round of show and tell! Here are some of the finished projects our knitters have shared with us recently.


Conny brought in her stunning “Hitofude Cardigan,” knit in Swans Island Organic Merino Fingering.


This clever design is knit all in one piece, an a-line lace cardigan that calls out for yarn with excellent drape. Conny’s “Hitofude” drapes beautifully, thanks to the soft, naturally-dyed Swans Island yarn.


On their last trip to the shop, Sallie and Josie each picked up a few skeins of Trendsetter Soleil, an aran weight cotton yarn flecked with wooden beads and woven leaves. From there, they each designed a scarf with the stuff, knit simply to let this spirited yarn shine. We were so delighted to see them in these scarves on their next visit!


Josie came with a second piece of show and tell, her completed “Technicolor Cowl,” knit in a mix of Dream in Color Classy and Malabrigo Rios.


Phyllis just completed this exquisite baby blanket for her first grandchild, who is expected to appear within the week. Selecting stitch patterns from Nancy Bush’s Knitted Lace of Estonia, she created her own design for this special piece, paying careful attention to the perfectly executed lace edging.


The yarn is Malabrigo Sock, with excellent stitch definition for showing off the intricate lace, and a soft and squishy hand to boot.

Thanks to everyone who brings in projects to share with us, whether at the beginning, middle, or end of the process. We love to see what you’re working on, and feel lucky to be surrounded by such creative and talented people. Stay tuned for another batch of show and tell here soon!

Folk Knitting.

The newest special issue from Interweave arrived at the shop this week! Take a peek inside Folk Knitting.


Folk Knitting features projects and essays inspired by textile traditions from around the world.



I spotted two patterns from Marianne Isager, excerpts from her Knitting Out of Africa and Inca Knits collections.



If these designs pique your interest, check out our collection of Isager books and patterns!


One of my favorite yarns appears in this special issue, too: Jamieson’s Shetland Spindrift, a fingering weight 2-ply Shetland wool, perfect for colorwork. These wrist warmers were inspired by a beaded egg from Belarus.


Look for Folk Knitting on the teacart at the shop, surrounded by the latest books and magazines for knitters, crocheters, and weavers. See you there!

New books for all.

We’re halfway through our Annual Inventory Sale, and folks have been taking advantage of our 15% discount in many different ways. Some are stocking up on their favorite needles, others are snapping up Cricket Looms (which are now temporarily out of stock!), and still more are planning ahead for holiday gift-making, while there’s still plenty of time to start and complete those gifts. Here’s another idea: treat yourself to a few new books this month, for a book is another kind of indulgence, one that can instruct and inspire.


Over the past few weeks, we’ve received new publications for all kinds of crafts. For weavers, 100 Pin Loom Squares shows the many possibilities of Schacht’s Zoom Loom.


For crocheters, we have two new titles. Colorful Crochet Lace is exactly what it sounds like: a collection of brightly colored crocheted garments and accessories in openwork patterns.


Honk! Beep! Vroom! is a book of crocheted toy vehicles with wheels that actually turn.


Knitters, meanwhile, should peruse Sheryl Thies’ Slip-Stitch Knits, and Amy Herzog’s newest book, Knit Wear Love.


Knit Wear Love is a collection of basic sweater shapes in a range of gauges, with lots of useful tips about modifying those basic shapes to make unique sweaters that suit your personal style.



Come by the shop to check out the latest publications, and do so during July to shop our entire inventory at 15% off!


Just a reminder–all sales are final on discounted items; there can be no exchanges, returns, or special orders. Thanks!