
Show and tell: from our classroom.

Show and tell is an ongoing part of our daily Instagram posts, but I like to share it here on the blog from time to time, too. Today, let’s look at knitting projects completed during classes here at our shop!

First up, here’s Claudia and her first completed “Stitch-Sampler Handwarmer,” knit during Anne’s Beginning Knitting class. Anne uses this Churchmouse pattern to teach new knitters because it takes very little time but uses so many techniques – casting on, knitting and purling, of course, but also seaming!

Like Claudia, Dustin used Kelbourne Woolens Germantown for his “Stitch-Sampler Handwarmers,” our go-to worsted weight wool. It’s smooth, easy to work with, comes in all kinds of colors, and holds up to frogging and reuse, if it comes to that!

Stephanie knit this “Field Slipover” during a recent class with Anne. She used Berroco Ultra Wool DK and Isager Silk Mohair together throughout, creating a rich blend of greens and a soft texture. Pattern by Camilla Vad.

Jaime knit this “Shetland Solstice” hat during Nancy’s recent class, using Kelbourne Woolens Camper. As soon as she completed this one, she cast on for another, rearranging the colors to change the look. Then she bought a fresh colorway in Camper, to make it yet again – a ringing endorsement of Gudrun Johnston’s pattern!

Here’s Linda’s “Scout Shawl,” made during Nancy’s class. Florence Spurling’s intricate intarsia and fair isle shawl has a patchwork look, but is worked in one piece, from end to end – a feat, and Linda’s looks lovely in Brooklyn Tweed Loft and Tones Light. Here are a few close-ups!

Many thanks to our teachers and to all the knitters who challenge themselves to learn something new in classes here at our shop. We love seeing what you make and watching as you grow your skills!

Michelle and Chloe.

Last Saturday, master knitter Michelle came into the shop with a dress-form (named Chloe) wearing her latest finished object, an intricately cabled pea coat from Shirley Paden’s Knitwear Design Workshop: The Comprehensive Guide to Handknits. It blew us all away, to the point that I could not resist asking to take their photo for the … [more]

We got a very large box from Berroco.

After much unpacking, admiring, reorganizing, and rearranging, it’s time to show off. New colors of Berroco Sox, stuffed into their cubby but eager to get out. We also have a new pattern book to go with–brightly colored children’s garments, taking advantage of the self-patterning quality of this yarn. A bright spectrum of Pure Pima, lounging … [more]

Andrea knits socks.

My friend Andrea has been a sometime knitter for a few years now, completing a scarf here, a patchwork blanket there, but focusing primarily on her animation projects (a subject worthy of an entire blog; go there and see this if animated wool peaks your curiosity). Recently, however, she has taken up knitting in a more … [more]

Cascade 220 Superwash Sport.

********* As of December 15th, 2015, we no longer have any Cascade 220 Superwash Sport in stock. ********* Allow me to introduce you to my favorite yarn of the moment. Simple, sturdy, yet soft, and suitable for most any project: Cascade 220 Superwash Sport. A few weeks ago, we had only a handful of colors. … [more]

Katia Fabula.

A lot of days at the yarn shop begin with a box.    This one arrived last Tuesday. Our UPS guy dropped it off in the back room where we could spread out its contents and find space to store them.  Inside, I found a few replacement bags of Noro Silk Garden Sock in colors … [more]