Marianne Isager’s Japanese Inspired Knits is quite possibly the best-selling book in the history of the Hillsborough Yarn Shop. In the two years since it was published, we’ve taught several classes based upon it, carried more and more Isager yarns, and reordered the book countless times.
Recently, though, we managed to sell all our copies before we had a chance to reorder, resulting in a week or two without it. And wouldn’t you know it, those were the weeks I got the most requests for this particular book. Every couple of days, someone would point to Anne’s Carp sweater and say, “Where can I get the pattern for that?“
Once or twice, someone would come in from the street wondering about Nancy’s Fan sweater. “Do you have the pattern for the red sweater in the window?”
Well, everyone, I’m happy to report that Japanese Inspired Knits is back in stock. Sweater-knitters looking for interesting construction ought to have a look at this title (and these sweaters!) if they haven’t already. May we have it on hand forevermore.