Hello, Yarn Hollow.

We are delighted to announce that we now carry Photograph, a yarn from Yarn Hollow.


Yarn Hollow is a yarn company that has grown from one dyer in her garage to a three-person hand-dyeing operation out of Grandville, Michigan. Yarn Hollow has a variety of yarn bases and a palette of colorways that can be applied to any base yarn. Back in June, at TNNA, we got a kit for the Range Wrap featuring Yarn Hollow’s Photograph, a worsted weight yarn made of 100% bluefaced leicester wool. Initially, it was the Jul closures used to fasten the Range wrap that caught our eye. Then we got our hands on the yarn, and it was clear that Photograph had to have a home at the Hillsborough Yarn Shop. The bluefaced leicester drapes beautifully, but maintains a good deal of springiness, with some fuzziness and lustre to boot.


The Range Wrap is an asymmetrical shawl of sorts, made of two triangles that meet at a point, making a shape almost like a pair of wings. It’s simple to knit, and can be worn in a variety of ways with the help of Jul’s French Curve closures or Floral Pedestal Button closures.


We now have Range Wrap kits in four colorways (the colorway of our sample, and the three shown below), each of which comes with the pattern and an HYS zip case. We left the closures out of the kit so you could choose your own, and we also got a few extra patterns in case you want to pick different colors or yarn for your Range Wrap.




We also got three colors of Photograph in greater quantities outside the kits, for those of you who want to use this yarn in other projects, like accessories or sweaters.



Come by the shop to see Yarn Hollow’s Photograph, and to admire and try on the Range Wrap. We hope you love this yarn as much as we do!


  1. Kathie Longbrake on said:

    Anne and Julia – I am at our mountain home but want to knit the Range Wrap for my sister-in-law. Not sure if the brown and black ( on the model) or perhaps the blue and gray would be best. I also would like to have the s-shaped closure. I will be back in Mebane late on Thursday and will come in on Friday to select color and purchase what is needed. Love the blog. KAthie

  2. Pingback: Back in stock: Yarn Hollow Photograph. | Hillsborough Yarn Shop

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