
“Nasrin” in Camper, Loft, and Tones Light.

“Nasrin” is a colorwork sweater by Isabell Kraemer, and the subject of Anne’s upcoming class, which starts Saturday, May 18.

“Nasrin,” by Isabell Kraemer, photo copyright Isabell Kraemer

She’s knitting hers with Kelbourne Woolens Camper, a soft fingering weight wool in heathered colors, and an excellent choice for colorwork.

You can choose between the “solid” or “outlined” colorwork motif at the yoke; both charts are included in the pattern. A high contrast color combination shows the pattern best, in my opinion – here are some ideas in Camper!

I also like the idea of flipping the color arrangement so that the main color is dark, and the contrast color at the yoke is light.

Brooklyn Tweed Loft is another yarn that seems designed with colorwork in mind, a woolen-spun fingering weight wool with a bit more structure than Camper.

Loft plays well with Brooklyn Tweed’s other fingering weight yarn, Tones Light – which has a much more vibrant color palette!

Look for all of these and many others in the fingering weight section here at our shop, and read more about Anne’s class if you’re inspired to make a “Nasrin” of your own!

Marion and Marian show off.

One of the great joys of knitting, besides knitting itself, is seeing what other people are knitting. It’s a large part of why Ravelry exists, and it’s one of my favorite parts of my job at the Hillsborough Yarn Shop. Not only do I get in on the knitting plans as they’re being made, but … [more]

Knit Simple.

The Spring/Summer 2011 issue of Knit Simple has arrived. Look for it on the teacart!

Hello, Coast.

There are a lot of things to look at in the Hillsborough Yarn Shop. We have a small space and a large inventory, with many yarns, projects, and books fighting for attention. One of my hopes for this blog is to highlight some of those yarns, projects, and books, one at a time, so that … [more]

Familiar cottons.

Getting a box in the mail is exciting. I think we can all agree on this. Getting a box in the mail at the shop is just as exciting, it turns out, even though it happens very frequently. It’s even exciting to get a box in the mail when we already know what will be … [more]


Lately I have been knitting swatches for the shop. Takhi Mia. We try to have a sample of every yarn we sell, whether it’s an elaborate sweater hanging on the wall, or just a few inches of garter stitch tucked into the basket with the yarn. A swatch can tell you a lot about a … [more]

Reading material.

It hasn’t been a huge week-or-so for new yarns, though I do have a few to share in the coming days. There have been new books arriving, though, in their trademark smaller, heavier boxes. New yarn is exciting, of course, but I must say, I get a particular thrill opening a box of knitting books. … [more]

The Noro corner.

In the second room of the shop, one corner is devoted almost entirely to our rather extensive collection of Noro yarns. Kureyon, Silk Garden, Iro, Yuzen, Maiko, Taiyo, Kochoran… the list goes on. From fingering weight up through bulky, with fibers from wool and angora to cotton and silk, there are many kinds of Noro … [more]

Anna Zilboorg.

About a month ago, on Valentine’s Day, the Hillsborough Yarn Shop hosted designer Anna Zilboorg for a special workshop on embellishing knitted garments with embroidery. As the class was much larger than our usual groups of four to six, we met at the public library to learn embroidery from Anna. The workshop was inspired by … [more]

Interweave Crochet.

The Spring 2011 issue of Interweave Crochet magazine is here. It joined the spring issues of Vogue and Interweave Knits on the teacart today. Check there to browse three magazines worth of new spring patterns.

The cotton tree.

For a moment, between closing on Thursday evening and opening on Friday morning, there was an empty space in the Hillsborough Yarn Shop. As regular customers likely know, an empty space doesn’t last long in our shop. This particular space was filled with a new display, built for the shop by John, husband of friend-of-the-shop … [more]