Another year has passed at the Hillsborough Yarn Shop, and it feels like a particularly momentous one. Most of our days were spent in the usual way: we guided knitters and crocheters to the fiber, tools, and texts they sought, talked them through unfamiliar techniques, were wowed again and again by the incredible things they made, the clever ideas they had, and the kindness they showed to us. Along with all of those lovely everyday endeavors, we made some important changes to the shop, striving to always improve. Our website got a fresh new look, with new features like an integrated blog, birthday club, and online payment for classes. At market, we carefully selected a few new yarns to carry from companies whose products and practices we admire. We tried to pick yarns that were unlike anything we already carried, in unfamiliar fibers and unusual textures. Over the course of the fall and winter, as each of our new selections arrived, our hunches were validated–the newest yarns have inspired us tremendously, and have been so warmly received by those who’ve given them a try. We also came back from market with a new idea for the organization of the shop: why not arrange the yarn by gauge, so that yarns of a similar thickness are all in one place? At the beginning of August, we closed the shop for a few days to make that reorganization happen, and we’re so satisfied with the results, and heartened to hear all your positive feedback about our new set-up. Even now, months into it, I smile when I walk into the shop and see the change.
Thank you so much for continuing to support the shop, and for reading this blog, as well. I’m having so much fun taking pictures and writing about all that goes on here, and can’t wait to see what the next year brings. Happy new year, everyone!
Amy Wentley on said:
Julia and Anne, you have the best shop around and you’re dedication and passion for fiber show in all the work you do. I’m so glad you’re here!
Happy New Year!
Julia on said:
Thanks, Amy!