Just as we were preparing in earnest to attend TNNA last week, we got some very encouraging good news: we were voted “Best Yarn Shop” in the IndyWeek’s Best of the Triangle 2016!
We headed off to market bolstered by your enthusiasm, and looking forward to bringing a bunch of exciting new yarns and ideas home for the coming year. Thanks for all your support over the years, we feel so honored and grateful for the community around us!
Judie on said:
Hooray for you! I am, of course, not the least bit surprised!
Julia on said:
Thanks, Judie!
Nancy on said:
Of course you would be voted the best. Because you are!
Anne on said:
Thanks, Nancy!
Diane Baron on said:
Of course. I agree. You’re the best.
Gwen Marco-Baxter on said:
Yeah! To you!!! I agree, you are the best!!! That is why I travel to your shop from Burlington.
Tom on said:
Proud to be a Frequent Buyer Card carrying customer to the Best Yarn store!!!
Julia on said:
Thanks for the kind words, everyone! You’re making us blush!
Paula on said:
Was there ever any doubt?!?!?! BIG hugs to you!
Jeannie on said:
Congratulations!! You ARE the best!! Wishing you many more great years!! Thanks for you great yarns and customer
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